On Sunday we visited the Unley Museum to see the exhibition Mad About Mixmasters. I was in heaven!
The collection is owned by Dave Holden who appeared on Collectors earlier this year.
The lovely Levin had emailed me about the exhibition. I was so grateful and very excited.
And then I heard Dave Holden interviewed on the ABC on Sunday morning. Oh no! I had visions of bumper to bumper people rolling into the Museum (how selfish am I?). I truly wanted the exhibition to myself. Mostly so I could take some photos and not look like too much of a pillock!
A lot of the callers to the ABC reminiscenced about their old Mixmasters and even wanted to donate them (oh, pick me!) to Dave.
Surprisingly, there was only a handful of people at the Museum. Unley, in general, was deserted, probably because Sturt (aka Unley) were in the football finals (they lost) so maybe all the locals were at the footy?
This little restored number was for sale. I admit to hovering over it a lot. J suggested I find out the price but I tried not to waver. I would love it dearly but do I really need to spend (maybe) serious money on a Mixmaster? Yes, that's a rhetorical question.

The Museum also had a food exhibition Dig In, Don't Wait, about Australians' eating habits: breakfast, lunch and tea! It was great too. Lots of fantastic retro styling and great hands-on elements.

Ahhh. The old mixmaster. My Mum had one with white bowls. A few years ago I bought one of the retro mixmasters (with clear glass bowls). I don't know why. I just wanted the one like my Mum had I guess. I love it. I use it all the time and it works brilliantly. I love to look at it too. It sits out on my bench!
There should be some exchange group set up for people wo no longer want their mixmaster and those of us who desperately would love to give it a new home. It could really work!
I wish I had my Mum's old one. I learned to bake with it.
What a great exhibition.
This bought back memories. My mum still has one with the white bowl. My Sunbeam is sadly an early 90s model, where they abandoned their lovely classic design.
I love them - You were very strong . Well done !!!
I saw this collection on the collectors..........it was wonderful.........
What a great exhibition. I love small, niche exhibitions like this. They make me want to head back to uni and gain whatever qualifications a curator or archivist needs to put these together. I have a Mixmaster. Bought for $35 this year at a Red Cross store, or was it a Salvos, can't recall. It's here. http://katiecrackernuts.blogspot.com/2008/05/sunny-days.html
It has been the best mixer we've owned. I swear the cakes are better.
Well, I didn't know that there was a museum in Unley and under my nose all this time as it is very close to my school. Looks like a fantastic collection-will have to check it out these holidays-glad you had fun.
oh that exhibition DOES look like heaven how amazing and you are soooo lucky to have gone!!! I LOVE the lamp ones what agreat idea
That looks like so much fun!
I love my new Mixmaster, although I do have a bit of a hankering for an old one.
I saw one at an op shop a few weeks ago, but at $100, I thought it a bit steep, especially as I already have one that works perfectly fine.
Oh this exhibition looks like mix master heaven! And I mean that literally. It is so nice to see them well loved and appreciated rather than tossed aside and dumped when they get old.
so glad you made it along and enjoyed it.
i had the same as you, i would have dearly loved to buy the one for sale - but you know how it goes - food for a fortnight, or a mix master.....
so glad you took photos - guess who forgot their camera!!! silly, silly me
I'm so jelous. That looks like such a great exhibition, so much fun and inspiration. Great pics too.
Wow. Looks amazing. There's something so lovely about old mix masters.
Thanks for joining the Blogtoberfest fun.
Hi,I have given you a lovely award if you would like to accept it.
What a fab exhibition that would have been. I'm afraid here in New Caledonia they are not into collecting and preserving these kinds things so I don't get to see alot of it these days.
I was just blogging about Mixmasters this morning and found your Flickr pics. And now I've found this post. (Slow? Me?!) OOOOHHH so much goodnes, talk about heaven!!!!
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