The Last Straw

Bingo, originally uploaded by Showyourworkings.

Ha! The comments on my last post made me laugh a lot! I think I sounded a little obsessive.

Bird Bath: I wasn't particularly industrious just thinking 'Right! I'm here at this school-place. Time to get down to work and get it over and down with. Won't take me that long...'

trashalou: How humiliating to be directed to the men's department for shoes! At 12!

katiecrackernuts: I don't carry straws with me only because I don't think of it! If I take a drink to work, I do take a straw. Hee hee. But if I'm offered a drink at a friend's, I accept it graciously and drink it forlornly without a straw. Sigh.

Kris: Thank goodness I'm not the only straw-user! Greatly underrated.

CurlyPops: There is a small crisis if the straws run out but usually they are quickly replenished. Wobetide anyone who uses the last one!

Stomper Girl: The straws aren't a germ thing and definitely not a lipstick thing (hah!). Probably more about cold liquid on my teeth!

Levin: I think I was netball obsessed in Year 7. I played for three teams. But it was all downhill after that!

Ah, laugh!


trash said...

Perhaps we should instigate a chart to document th esize of bloggers' feet??

Drewzel said...

I have size 9 feet too by the way (or Euro size 40). They're flat as well.

I've made it 'Blogtoberfest Fave Friday' play along if you like...check out my post. xx