jolly christmas, originally uploaded by Lulu at Home
It's Christmas! Happy Christmas to you and I hope everyone has a New Year filled with peace and restfulness and lots of crafting and opshopping goodness.
Thanks for visiting my blog and I hope to continue with lots of bloggy posts in 2009.
I'm a wee bit tired as I'm doing Christmas cooking at midnight. It seemed a good idea at the time.
Great book finds, and the origami wreaths are terrific. Merry Christmas Carolyn!
I love the "seemed like a good idea at the time" comment! This describes large portions of my life!
Happy Christmas C!
I do hope you had a good one, and thanks for your lovely wishes!
oooh i was still up when you posted this and julian was nice enough to wake up at 5.30am on Christmas morning!!! i say, who needs drugs when you can have sleep deprivation instead - lol
hope your Christmas was merry.
The Wii was a spur of the moment purchase and we justified it by claiming it was our joint xmas present to each other. Despite being an impulse buy we use it pretty much every day (the Wii Fit mainly) and hubby has lost 4 kg already just from that!
The book is "Getting things done" by David Allen. It has a cult following (to the point where it is referred to as "GTD") and references it all the time.
Oh I love your vintage illustrations! Thanks for sharin!
It always seems like a good idea at the time. Hope you had a fabulous Christmas and New Year.
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